Saturday, June 9, 2012

The Importance of God in La 21 Divisiones (La Magia Beneficia)

La Mano Poderosa

My previous posts have been mainly about the misterios of the tradition you should now be a little bit more familiar with- Dominican Vodou. Sure, they're wonderful, powerful, and wise but isn't something missing? If you answered no to that question, than I feel sorry for you. The truth is, many of us get lose in the mysteries of the spirits so much that we completely forget that they are mysteries of God. I realize this may sound surprising to you, but yes I do believe in God. My belief in God however is a completely animist one.

God in Dominican Vodou is such an important part of the tradition. So much in fact that forgetting about God can be hazardous to your relationships with the spirits. Just think about how you begin to understand something- your human mind must know where it originated from. Same goes for the spirits. If you don't understand that they came from God, and that God should be given thanks for his creations, then you will block your connection with them.

It doesn't matter if you call God just that, or if you call God Bondye. Either way you need to give thanks and devotion. I recommend doing this on a Sunday, because thats typically the day when spirit work comes to a hault. That should be when you focus on him/her. Praying the rosary is a good way of getting in contact and is very common in La 21 Divisiones. If you ever feel the need to setup a 21 Divisiones altar, you will need a Catholic bible and a crucifix anyway, so get used to the Catholicism now.

This doesn't have to be complicated either. If you can't pray the rosary (you should, but I understand) then you should at least 'freestyle' a prayer to God as the Almighty and stick with it. If you can, you could even visit a Catholic church on Sunday and join the ceremonies there.

Now I understand if the Catholic syncretism bothers you, but this is the traditional way of doing things and I will not advocate any other way. This is how I was taught and I will continue to follow the tradition like this. God is who you should be contemplating before spirit, and after spirit you should be contemplating yourself. Also keep close to you the three virtues: Faith, Hope, and Charity. This is a very important part of living, within and without of this tradition.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

The Fire of God

This post will be talking about the misterio in Las 21 Divisiones known as Candelo Cedife. Many of us in the tradition view Candelo as the fire of God, for both creative and destructive purposes. He is primarily concerned with that which he represents, the flame and is also connected to hot emotions, and fiery states of being.

Candelo is represented by St. Charles Borromeo and is always placed next to his amigo Belie Belcan, who was spoken about in a previous post. Candelo is a lover of red whiskey and cigars and is very 'macho'. Candelo has a wife and a child, whom I will not speak of in this post because a whole other post could be dedicated to their mysteries alone. Candelo's color is red, always red and when in possession it is Candelo who handles fire and even eats burning coals. He is a wonderful misterio and very fun to watch.

But like fire itself he can also take the route of being a destructive flame as well. He does have a temper and if he feels you are not being absolutely serious he will burn you, and for good reason. He teaches us to build a good foundation because if we do not, he will burn it to the ground to teach us a lesson.

A Working with Candelo Cedife to Give One Inspiration

Things Needed:
A red candle
A picture of St. Charles Borromeo
A red cloth
A glass of whiskey
A cigar
A strong, manly cologne

The working is simple and should be done on a Thursday. You will set up a small table and place a red cloth over it. On top of the cloth you will stand a framed image of Candelo, or if you cannot get a framed image, simply pin up a printed image on the wall above the table. Place the red candle next to the Whiskey. Light the cigar in front of the table and place it horizontally on top of the glass.

You will now repeat the following prayer:

San Carlos Borromeo, les pido que velará por e inspirar confianza en mí porque tú eres el fuego del Todopoderoso, el Creador. Lo que puede dar y quitar. Concede a mí tus bendiciones. amén
Now you will go to Candelo-

Candelo, I ask that you light the spark of creative inspiration within me and give me the strength of a thousand fires so I may get past the obstacles ahead. Allow me to merge with my goals if only for a short period of time. 

Now pass the cologne above the candle flame, saying:

Arriba Candelo
Give thanks and depart. Now whenever you need inspiration, spray this cologne unto you and know that it is  the inspiring fire of Candelo attaching itself to you, as a personal muse. Have faith in this and do not doubt. When the bottle is empty, be sure to decorate it nicely and give it to Candelo as a bigger thank-you.